Events co-ordinated by the NFU, NFU Cymru and Ulster Íæż½ã½ã' Union all took place on January 25 to highlight the impact of changes to Inheritance Tax on family farmers
The UFU said this landmark decision 'underscores the critical importance of agriculture to NI' and reflects the 'powerful impact of the collective voice of local farmers'
Beef Carbon Reduction (BCR) Scheme deadline is December 31 2024
UFU said it has been told by Northern Ireland's Chief Veterinary Officer that the current bTB strategy review was still in ‘draft form' and had not yet undergone scrutiny by policy developers
UFU president William Irvine said once all the facts were laid out on the table, it seemed the negative impact that the budget changes will have on NI started to 'hit home'
UFU president William Irvine said the union is 'appalled' by the actions of some within the farming community
UFU said the delay to the Suckler Cow Scheme will not suit farmers who are spring calving
UFU president William Irvine and dairy farmer from County Armagh said: "DAERA's review of NI's TB strategy is a step too far. There is extremely limited focus on the most critical issue – the need for an effective eradication programme that addresses all sources of infection"
UFU president says: 'Now is the time to stand up, unite and challenge this appalling decision by a Government that is out of touch with farming families'
The Ulster Íæż½ã½ã' Union (UFU) held a crisis meeting with Northern Ireland's leading food businesses and organisations to address the threat facing farming from government policies