From October 17, the use of snares and glue traps will be made illegal in Wales to 'prevent indiscriminate suffering to animals.' The Welsh Government appreciate rodent control is essential, but said there are ‘more humane and targeted methods available'
Unions and farmers have been left feeling frustrated after a new environmental module has been imposed on them by Red Tractor without scrutiny. The 'Greener Farms Commitment' is set to be introduced in April 2024
Speaking at the Plaid Cymru conference, the FUW president said if all current Welsh emissions were to be offset by tree planting, this would require an area around twice the size of Wales to be planted with trees
Welsh farmers still have little knowledge of what the payment rates would be for the new interim Habitat Wales Scheme. The new scheme is due to replace Glastir area-based payments on January 1, 2024
The NFU Cymru president, Aled Jones said the dairy industry seems to run on fuel called ‘hope it gets better' but the ‘tank is on red'. That was his message after he updated his milk projection forecast for the next 12 months
NFU Cymru wants the Welsh Government and Westminster to commit to providing long term funding arrangements which reflect the modern day cost to Welsh farmers of producing food, enhancing the environment and tackling climate change
Warnings the removal of support will lead to farmers quitting the organic sector
At the moment in-calf cows and heifers which fail bovine TB tests must be culled on-farm before giving birth
Identifying residual disease risk in Pembrokeshire will be at the project’s core, alongside developing a pathway to reduce cattle-to-cattle transmission
With warnings from the Senedd about tighter future budgets, farmers were left questioning how they could expect to deliver on both environmental and food production targets