NFU Cymru said the projections from Welsh Government's latest SFS impact assessment predicted a 'shocking scenario' for Welsh farming
NFU Cymru deputy president Abi Reader questioned where the ‘800' figure for the amount of farms targeted for inspection had come from and what evidence it was based on, adding she hoped it was not a ‘witch hunt'
The support payments will be available to all fully-certified organic farmers, not just those who were part of the previous Glastir Organic Scheme. Applications for payments must be submitted by May 15 2024
It is after comments made by Senedd members, including Joyce Watson MS suggesting farmers with perpetual bovine TB should ‘find another business' and Mike Hedge's MS saying 'there was no reason to subsidise agriculture'
The Royal Welsh Show is set to lose £1million if proposed changes to reduce the Welsh school term by a week goes ahead
Normally the family aim to milk a herd of around 120 cows, but at the moment they are only milking 70 cows
Farmer Glenda Crawshaw said the Rural Affairs Minister was treating farmers ‘very poorly', criticising the lack of clarity over the future of organic funding
Hybu Cig Cymru's new Welsh beef campaign will feature in a series of advertising in the run up to Christmas across digital, radio and TV
CLA Cymru said it worked out at a '12.9 per cent reduction in the rural affairs budget', hollowing out around £50 million in support for farming. But the Welsh Government said Basic Payment Scheme payments would be maintained at £238m for 2024
The proposal put forward by the Welsh Government, was opposed by FUW members due to factors such as cost, the impracticalities of attempting to pasteurise, and the welfare benefits of colostrum