Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Climate Change Huw Irranca-Davies confirmed the carbon sequestration evidence panel would be reporting its findings to the ministerial roundtable 'anytime soon'
In recognition of the ‘challenge' Welsh farmers have faced with compliance with the water and slurry storage regulations following the wet weather, the Cabinet Secretary confirmed amendments would be made to the Cross Compliance Verifiable Standards
Dairy farmer Michael Williams and his vet Rhiannon Lewis are utilising historical test data on-farm to identify ‘residual disease risk' in clear-testing cattle, through the identification and management of high-risk animals for slaughter and improved biosecurity
Íæż½ã½ã' Union of Wales senior policy adviser Rebecca Voyle outlines what funding schemes are available now and over the next few months for farmers in Wales
On September 18 the Sêr Cymru Centre of Excellence for Bovine TB at Aberystwyth University will be hosting its annual conference. This year the event focuses on the social dimensions of managing bovine TB in cattle
Plaid Cymru criticised Labour's energy plans, adding they ‘will not maximise benefits' for Welsh communities without the devolution of the Crown Estate to Wales
This week's column from Íæż½ã½ã's chief reporter Rachael Brown, reflecting on how the revolving door at the Senedd is impacting on Welsh agriculture at a critical point in the development of the Sustainable Farming Scheme
Ms Morgan is expected to become the first woman to lead Wales. The Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Climate Change, Huw Irranca-Davies is expected to become Deputy First Minister. It has not yet been confirmed if he will remain in his current role
From an auctioneer's advice on when to sell livestock this summer to how Farm Safety Week can mark the beginning of a new chapter for safer farming- these are six farming stories not to miss this week on FG
Wales' First Minister Vaughan Gething and Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs Huw Irranca-Davies have published the figures as part of their new 'Food Matters:Wales' policy document, which they are launching at the Royal Welsh Show