
Íæż½ã½ã brand Defra's update to stop SFI24 an 'absolute shambles'

Rachael Brown
clock • 3 min read
Íæż½ã½ã brand Defra's update to stop SFI24 an 'absolute shambles'

Íæż½ã½ã have described Defra's sudden announcement to stop new applications for SFI 24 due to high demand, 'an absolute shambles'. 

Sustainable Farming Incentive

Dairy farmer Adam Westaway said it appeared that farming and the environment was taking a 'back seat' with this Government. 

Reacting to the announcement he said: "The only certainty is the uncertainty of which scheme or payment will be paused or withheld next."

Delayed payments

Mr Westaway is currently in SFI and the payment was due in the beginning of February. He said he has been told that the payment was held up due to not being able to access a spreadsheet in relation to herbal leys. 

"So much for being a "light touch" scheme." 

READ NOW: Defra stops accepting new applications for SFI 24

Prescot farmer Olly Harrison, who has organised two protests in Westminster in recent months said 'yet again this has demonstrated the Government's sheer lack of understanding of the agricultural industry'. 

'Cannot just turn on a dime'

"Farming operates in yearly cycles and cannot just turn on a dime." 

Tenant farmer, Rob Halliday from Cornwall said it was 'disappointing that once again' the industry was in limbo. 

Lower financial caps

"However applications currently lodged will still be considered, and it would appear that we will have a relaunch later in the year, albeit with lower financial caps.

"All is not lost, but I have concerns that this is part of a budget raid, still only half of farmers are engaged in SFI, so there is a long way to go and for now it is split farmers into the haves and nots."

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Low confidence

He said it does not instil confidence and will 'lessen the appetite' for engagement. 

Cotswold organic regenerative dairy farmer, Rob Harrison said the decision was 'very messy' 

"Íæż½ã½ã need certainty on schemes," he said, adding the constant goal post changes and timing was unfair. 

"Not every farmer has the same opportunity."

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'Short sightedness'

Cheshire dairy farmer, Rich Yarwood said his 'modest' SFI23 payments are behind schedule with 'no specific explanation' why that was the case. 

"I distrust this Government and call for an audit of where the budget has been allocated. In particular the amount of public money being spent taking land out of food production."

Berkeley dairy farmer, Rob Cullimore said it was another act of 'short sightedness' from the Government. 

"Their unwillingness to invest in any industry and especially ours is going to move them further from their economic growth and carbon reduction targets.


"It is very frustrating but not all surprising." 

Cumbria farmer and Nature Friendly Farming chair James Robinson said farmers will be 'disappointed but not surprised'. 

"We need some commitment from Government as to which direction they want us to go in - it should be food production alongside environment and nature, but they have to create policies and make funding available to help us get there.

"At the moment they say one thing, everyone moves that way, then they shut the door before we get a chance to get there." 

Mr Robinson said it was frustrating that they 'trumpet' their most successful farming scheme ever and then in the next breath just stop it. 

'Kick in the teeth'

Upland Derbyshire farmer Jane Bassett said the announcement was another 'cruel kick in the teeth' for farmers with Defra pulling the plug on SFI 'abruptly'. 

"Closed to new applicants until next summer, how can businesses plan for the future? Defra states that the budget has been spent, but yet again will not show us their books. 

"All the partnership working, all the co-design has gone out of the window along with our environmental ambition. 

"Fuming does not cover it." 


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